Friday, November 2, 2007

Affiliate Marketing/There is a Science to getting Rich

Are you stuck in the 'poverty way of thinking'? if on!

As it is my wish to make my blog interesting so you will all hopefully learn lots and lots I am now going to go into something completely different line with this blog.....there is still an affiliate program at the end of it!!

You have (hopefully) read the other posts on this blog, one of which stresses the importance of attention grabbing headlines and explains the tried and tested formula of A.I.D.A.
This post goes into the psychology of the Laws of attracting wealth. This is not hocum! the first book written about the subject was written nearly 100 years ago!!! This was by Wallace Wattles (1860-1911) called ''The science of getting rich".
There is also a book called "Think and grow rich" by Napolean Hill (1883-1970) and a modern day teacher on the subject is Bob Proctor, who wrote the book "You were born rich"
So - people are still studying the science and indeed making fortunes out of selling courses, re-writing their own versions or selling the original. As the original book by Wallace Wattles, is, in-fact in the public domain, and not copywrited, anybody can do this!!
Anyway...there is a science to getting rich...
Most people are stuck in the poverty way of thinking and need their minds 're-programming' into rich mode. I have had first hand experience of this so know it to be true. You may even be able to associate it with your experience.
My dear late mother was (like a lot of people from her era), brought up in relative poverty. She had to struggle to bring four children up. When eventually life became a little easier and not so much of a struggle she would simply not spend out the money, on herself, even when she had it. She would not treat herself to nice things to eat (saying she didn't want to waste the money!!) Although she and my auntie enjoyed many holidays, mum was very reluctant to spend out money on herself.
When I asked her why she just said she was used to struggling and found it hard to spend out. It wasn't really a comfort when she added it would mean we would be left more money. I told her I'd sooner she spent it and enjoyed it. She would, however be willing to spend money on her family and grandchildren.
Unfortunately this was a classic case of being stuck in the poverty way of thinking. It is a shame to remember her in this way when she could have more enjoyed her extra bit of money. Usually, children end up with the same thinking as their parents (paradigms) but I am even more determined that I will thoroughly enjoy any money I earn.
We all know of wealthy people who seem averse to spending their money! life is too short to be miserable. After all, you cannot take it with you when you 'go'. What is the point of leaving it sitting in the bank?
So how do you feel about wealth?
The Wealthy people in the world understand and use the 'law of attraction' in their daily lives
Everybody knows of the saying that if you wish for something long and hard enough it will happen (good or bad). People just sit there expecting wealth to magically appear in their lives but believe me you do have to work at it!!
The more I read about stuff the sillier I think it is slaving away as a Housekeeper for a ridiculous $14 an hour! I know I am worth more than that...and so are you. Do not settle for less than you deserve. Life it too short to be miserable and it is not a rehearsal!! it's the real thing so make the most of it.
  • Ask for that which you desire
  • The answer will come to you
  • Receive the answer - when you get an inspired opportunity - act on it

(Bob Proctor, 'You were born rich')

We all need goals to work to. Start by doing a list of all the things you are grateful for, i.e. family, friends, and your goals. I am going to share mine with you to give you an example.

  • I have a home and family, precious grand-children and friends
  • I am healthy
  • I shouldn't feel so bad. Many people don't have these
  • There are people worse off than me. 1 billion people survive on less than a dollar a day
  • I'm grateful I have a job and an income
  • I love the idea of being rich
  • I'm grateful I have a home, nice clothes and can eat 3 meals a day - most people can't afford this
  • I can believe that more money and multiple streams of income will open up for me in the near future
  • I'm so grateful I can watch my grand kids grow up and thrive and that I can see them often


  • I believe my talents will help me earn more income soon
  • I will soon have a business for myself
  • I can see myself owning a 6-bed home by 2010
  • I will have $2M in the bank within 5 years

  • I will attract the money I need to be able to give up my morning job so I can concentrate on my business
  • I fully believe in the cosmos and the universe. I thank them and am aware of the help they continually give me
  • I will listen to, and be guided by the higher force

Do something positive today, write down your thanks, hopes, dreams, desires, and goals.

So, the laws of attraction -

See yourself already in possession of the goals that you desire

Here are some really powerful quotes:

'The mind is a powerful magnet and as such, it attracts whatever corresponds to it's ruling state. Expectation dictates what that ruling state will be and therefore governs what corresponds to the mind and is attracted into your life. Expectation can be either a blessing or a curse, but either way it is certainly one of the most powerful unseen forces in your life' (John Kanary - public speaker, author and entrepreneur)

'Any idea that is held in the mind that is either feared or revered will, begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical forms available' (Andrew Carnegie)

'The grandeur of the cosmos serves only to confirm my belief in the certainty of a creator. I just cannot envision this whole universe coming into being without something like divine will' (Dr Wernher Von Braun)

'The mind in itself and it's own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell' (John Milton)

So, basically, you must be able to see, with your inner eye - yourself already in possession of all the things you desire. You need to attract what you need from your image, into a physical manifestation.

'When you hold the image of your goal on the screen of your mind, in the present tense, you are vibrating in harmony (in resonance) with every particle of energy necessary for the manifestation of your image, those particles of energy are moving towards you (attraction) and you are moving towards them because that is the law. All things are merely manifestations of energy of spirit' (Bob Proctor, 'You were born rich')

Whatever you think, then you will become.

Do you know where you are going, and how you will get there. Make a plan now.

To coin a phrase..... know the truth and the truth will set you free.

By now, you are probably wondering where all this is leading? It is leading to the point of my own success (e.g. - this affiliate marketing solution blog.

On my birthday just past (2nd October), in the spirit of all my beliefs in the laws of attraction, my daugher bought me Paul McKenna's (hot off the press), book entitled 'I can make you Rich'.

After downloading the previously mentioned people's ebooks, it was great to have an actual physical book that you can pick up and put down at will. I started reading it straight away. The foreword is written by Sir Richard Branson, Founder, Virgin Group.

What I really love about it is that there is a hypnosis c.d the aim of which is to re-programme your mind. There are also lots of 'exercises' such as:

  • creating your rich anchor
  • the meaning of money
  • from resentment to riches
  • the income expander
  • the feel good button
  • creating flow
  • creating your rich vision
  • stepping into wealth
  • finding your ideal clients and customers
  • wealth revealing questions
  • doing more with less etc. etc.

It is a completely different 'take' on wealth and I was hooked from the start. The hypnosis cd is an absolute bonus and must for me. It speaks to both your conscious and unconscious mind with lovely relaxing chill-out music. I love listening to it in bed just before I go to sleep, a great way to relax and unwind also. His quick word on the cd:

'While the mind-programming exercises on the cd will have a powerful impact in and of themselves, they are designed to activate certain suggestions and strategies I have installed throughout the book. For maximum effect, I recommend you use the cd in conjunction with the book'

He states:

'All wealth is created with the human mind'

'The difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich have learned to recognize the value of their faults'

'Being rich is living your life on your own terms - according to your possibilities, not your limitations'

So, the reason I am recommending this book is because not only do I truly believe in it, within days of starting to read it, I set up this blog and within 22 hours I was no. 1 (see post). I had spent 5 months reading mountains of stuff and not having a clue where to start... so I do not feel that this is all just plain coincidence!

Below is a list of the chapters contained in this book

Part 1, The Psychology of Wealth

  1. Getting Rich is an inside job
  2. Transforming your Relationship with Money
  3. Reprogramming your Wealth Thermostat
  4. Overcoming Emotional Spending
  5. Tapping into the Flow of Wealth
  6. Creating a Rich Vision

Part 2, Let's Go Make Money

  1. How to Make Money
  2. Assembling your Wealth Team
  3. A Proven Formula for Success
  4. The Simplest Business Plan in the World
  5. The Three Skills that Lead to Riches
  6. The Secrets of Living Rich

Index of Exercises.

Here's a sample of one of the exercises to whet your appetite

Creating a Richer World

  1. Think about someone you believe is strugglinjg financially and imagine them wealthy and successful.
  2. Think about someone you believe is already doing well and imagine them becoming even more wealthy and successful.
  3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 with as many different people as you like until you feel 'clean' - no pity and no resentment.
  4. Imagine what the world would be like if there was no poverty and everyone had more than enough to live life on their own terms. How do you feel about living in that world? How do you feel about yourself.

The Pareto Principle

The 19th-century economist Wilfred Pareto was the first to discover that approximately 80 percent of the world's wealth was concentrated in the hands of only 20 per cent of the world's population. Whilst this was startling in and of itself, what was even more remarkable to him was that this 80/20 rule seemed to hold true in nearly every area of our lives.

Although the numbers are rarely this exact, here are some of the ways staticians have recorded the impact of the 'Pareto Principle' in our society today.

  • 80 per cent of the loss values of all crimes comes from 20 per cent of the criminals
  • 80 per cent of all car accidents are caused by 20 per cent of the motorists
  • 80 per cent of all divorces involve only 20 per cent of married people (many divorce multiple times

In the 1960's IBM re-discovered the Pareto Principle when they realised that 80 per cent of their computers operating time was spent executing 20 per cent of their programming. By focusing their efforts exclusively on that 20 per cent, they were able to create massive upgrades in the effectiveness and usability of their computers in a remarkably short period of time. Today, many of the world's leading corporations are using this principle to increase efficiences, maximize profits and produce more with less.

Check to see how many of these 80/20 patterns are present in your own life:

  • 80 per cent of your results come from 20 per cent of your efforts
  • 80 per cent of your job satisfation comes from 20 per cent of your work
  • 80 per cent of the wear on your carpets take place on 20 per cent of the area
  • 80 per cent of the time you wear 20 per cent of your clothes
  • 80 per cent of your rich feelings come from 20 per cent of your experiences

What is so amazing about this principle is that once you begin noticing it, you will see if everywhere. And once you begin acting on it, you will be able to sort for where this money-making and happiness opportunities are in your life with an almost scientific proven precision

(Paul Mckenna - I can Make you Rich)

So, Your future starts here. You have nothing to lose with checking this out. You have the option to purchase this fantastic book or to become an affiliate, or both!

By following me and affiliating to the same products as myself, you will have a really diverse and interesting 'portfolio' of affiliate products.

Do you find my blog interesting? I would love your comments. Please reply to the actual post that interested you and not via my email address. I look forward to hearing from you.

The link you need is:

update (30 June 08) please note: this link will take you direct to Paul Mckenna's online store where you will find a full list of his products including books/cd's etc., to.....

help you lose weight

help you get rich

help you with confidence

help you to improve your life

Click on the link below as you may find it of interest/benefit to you

Here are my other affiliate marketing solution programs if you do not have time to read my other posts (but please, try!!)

To your success, as always,


affiliate marketing/affiliate solution

Subscribe to Bonnies affiliate marketing solution by Email

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie

I love your goal of $2 in the bank.... I assume you meant 2 Million dollars! Me too.....

Keep up the positive thinking!
